Why Red Hulk Isn’t the True Leader of the Thunderbolts


In the Marvel Universe, the Thunderbolts were created as a team of reformed villains striving to do good. Surprisingly, Red Hulk, General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross, is part of the team but not its true leader. Let’s uncover the reasons behind this unexpected twist.

A Potential Leader in the Making

Among the Thunderbolts’ ranks, Songbird emerges as a strong candidate for leadership. With her longstanding presence and display of exceptional leadership capabilities, she has earned the respect and admiration of her teammates.

Baron Zemo: From Villain to Anti-Hero Leader

Baron Zemo, a former villain turned anti-hero, has previously led the Thunderbolts. His strategic mind and understanding of the team dynamics make him a compelling choice for the leadership role.

Red Hulk: A Powerful Force, But Not a Leader Military Might Doesn’t Guarantee Leadership

While Red Hulk possesses formidable military leadership skills, leading the Thunderbolts requires more than brute force. Charisma and strategic thinking are crucial qualities that he lacks, making him unsuitable for the position.

Conclusion: The Thunderbolts, a team of anti-heroes, have seen various leaders throughout their comic series. Despite Red Hulk’s inclusion, he is not the true leader. Songbird and Baron Zemo stand out as potential candidates for this coveted role. Explore the exciting world of the Thunderbolts and their complex dynamics in the Marvel Universe.

Learn more about the Thunderbolts: [https://www.marvel.com/teams-and-groups/thunderbolts]

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